14 Votes

The_Life_and_Death_of_a_Porno_Gang The Life and Death of a Porno Gang

Year: 2009

Duration: 01:47:11

Directed by:  Mladen Djordjevic

Actors: Mihajlo Jovanovic, Ana Acimovic and Predrag Damnjanovic

Language: Serbian (English Subtitles)

Country: Serbia

Also known as: Zivot i smrt porno bande; Leben und Tod einer Pornobande; Zivljenje in smrt porno tolpe

Description: Young director Marko, after several unsuccessful attempts to shoot his first feature film, makes an acquaintance with a porn director Cane and starts making films with him, showing his anger towards the society he lives in. After the conflict with Cane he starts his own porn cabaret club in which the socio-political shows are frequently performed. He gathers porn stars around himself. Gay couple Johnny and Max, a transvestite Ceca, junkies Rade and Darinka and others. However, Cane’s brother who is a policeman interrupts a premiere, the press destroys them as well, and Marko decides he should leave Belgrade and have a tour around Serbia with his crew. Shortly after, series of conflicts happen with the viewers from the villages they visited. On the way, they meet a German journalist Franc, who is fascinated with Balkan. Franc suggests Marko to make films with the authentic scenes of sex and violence for him, with the volunteers- victims who did not care for their lives. Porn gang has a possibility to have their revenge on rural Serbia.



The Life and Death of a Porno Gang 2009

The Life and Death of a Porno Gang 2009 (English Subtitles)