10 Votes

Joysticks Joysticks

Year: 1983

Duration: 01:27:23

Directed by: Greydon Clark

Actors: Joe Don Baker, Leif Green, Jim Greenleaf

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Video Madness, Joy sticks, Video Blues – diskojengi, Videohullut, Porci con le ragazze, Die Vidioten

Description of Joysticks movie: A narrow-minded businessman and two of his imbecile – nephew of his free time spend on computer games. Could such a passion to make them worthy members of society, and, perhaps, finally, the society will be worthy of their attention? ..

Review: Here is an amazing 80’s flick about trying to save an arcade from an evil guy-that-hates-arcades. Tons on nudity (I left some out of the screenshots so you still have a bunch more), tons of awesome quotable phrases, and tons of good. clean. fun.

I’ve been infatuated with this movie a little too much. Jim Greenleaf, who plays Dorfus (easily one of the best characters) is active online these days with his own video show as well as Joysticks encounters

The actor that plays King Vidiot goes on to play Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite, and the girl who plays patsy has rules in numerous movies.

Also, the soundtrack is amazing! You will be singing the songs all day.



Joysticks 1983