Casanova Casanova : His Youthful Years

Year:  1969

Duration:  1:58:24

Directed by:   Luigi Comencini

Actors:  Leonard Whiting, Maria Grazia Buccella, Lionel Stander

Language:  Italian | Latin | French (English Sub) 

Country:  Italy

Also known as: Infanzia, vocazione e prime esperienze di Giacomo Casanova, veneziano, Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence , Giacomo Casanova:  Childhood and Adolescence , Los primerísimos amores de Casanova  , As Primeiras Experiências Amorosas de Casanova , En tabt uskyld i Venedig , Infancia, vocación y primeras experiencias de Giacomo Casanova,veneciano , Casanova Venetsiassa , Casanova, un adolescent à Venise, Casanova, une adolescence à Venise , Ta kalytera hronia tou Kazanova ,Los amores de Casanova , Dziecinstwo, powolanie i pierwsze przezyciaGiacomo Casanovy z Wenecji , A Iniciação Sexual de Casanova , Kindheit,   Berufung und erste Erlebnisse des Venezianers Giacomo Casanova   , Casanova : His Youthful Years

Description: Two moments in the life of the famous adventurer: as a child in Padua, 1733-34, and as a boy in Venice, 1742, when he decides to cast away the clothes of young Abbot and start his new life.
An amiable reconstruction of the period, with Gherardi, set and costume designer, who keeps an eye on the painting by Pietro Longhi in describing a rich and decadent Venice.
Acre, witty, unusual.



Casanova : His Youthful Years 1969

English Sub