The_Tripper_2006 The Tripper

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:32:52

Directed by: David Arquette

Actors: Jaime King, Thomas Jane and Lukas Haas

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: President Evil, El republicano, O taxidiotis, Perseguição Assassina, Tripper

Description: Friends go to a music festival, where they become the subject of harassment of a crazy maniac and his deadly dog.

Review: Debut film actor David Arquette better known for his famed family and wife Courteney Cox, than their acting “successes.” Although the role of all parts of the Creek did not stop. Cheap and very thrash horror film with moronic political overtones.

David Arquette is known in the world of cinema as a popular actor, and fans of horror movies, in particular, continuous one “star” franchise “Scream.” I suspect that it was under the influence of ironic slasher Wes Craven, Arquette decided to try their own hand at directing a feature film, and make a film in the same genre. However, in contrast to the master of horror Craven gracefully sneered at “cry” over the slasher cliches, Arquette decided postebatsya of hippie culture and the domestic policies of the United States.

The plot – a crowd stoned hippies under all kinds of drugs come to the hippie festival, where they were killed by a madman Ronald Reagan maniac.



The Tripper 2006