Little_Corey_Gorey_1993 Little Corey Gorey

Year: 1993

Duration: 01:31:03

Directed by: Bill Morroni

Actors: Sabino Villa Lobos, Edenia Scudder, Kristin Caruso and Bernice Smiley

Language: English

Country: USA | Canada

Also known as: 

Description: Corey has just moved with his stepmother and stepbrother into a new neighborhood. Corey’s dad has died and these 2 now have custody and control of little Corey. But he’s undeterred in his goal for independence and love. Despite the beatings, emotional abuse, when he falls in love, nothing will stop him. So when Biff, his stepbrother, tries to ruin his chance at love with Jackie, a classmate, finally Corey has had enough. Biff ends up falling through the shower door and to cover that up, Corey ties up his step-mother. Then he tries a normal life…while his step mom remains tied up. But even this new girl will soon turn out to not be his friend either and Corey will finally just plain snap!

There are some who can withstand more verbal/physical abuse than others. But clearly, everyone has their limits. Given the right circumstances, anyone can snap, and say “ya know what? No more!”. Corey Gory is not in a good place, these days. Nor has he been for quite some time. The thing is, Corey’s parents are dead, and he’s stuck with an abusive stepmother, and stepbrother. Well, at least the little fella has a roof over his head. However, Corey’s pseudo-family barely even sees him as a human being. Corey is their slave. Corey is their punching-bag. Corey might as well be their toilet. Someday, one of these people are going to cross the line. And it ain’t gonna be pretty. That day has finally arrived. You see, Corey Gory happens to be a huge Ozzy Ozbourne fan (who isn’t?). Corey is also a huge fan of a certain hot chick he recently met at school. Now that Corey has scored a couple tickets, for an upcoming show, while scoring a date at the same time, it seems as if things are possibly turning around for Corey. Sorry little fella. No dice. At least not yet. Stepbrother Biff swipes the tickets, and goes with the hot chick in his place Perhaps if he hadn’t rubbed it in Corey’s face, he’d still be alive. And by the way. don’t ever mess with an Ozzy fan. So, anyway. Now that Corey is “this close” to finding independence, there’s one last thing to do. Tie obese-stepmother to the couch and starve her to death. Now, let the party begin! So, anyway. Little Corey Gory is one of those rare, worthwhile B-movies from the 90’s. Yes, there are a few of them. Not so much a Horror movie as it is a dark comedy. And a good one at that. Little Corey Gory is an undiscovered gem that I’m very happy to have in my collection. And hopefully, someday, this flick be rightfully known as a full-blown cult classic. 



Little Corey Gorey 1993