Body-Count Body Count

Year: 1986

Duration: 01:30:00

Directed by: Ruggero Deodato

Actors: Bruce Penhall, Mimsy Farmer, David Hess

Language: English

Country: Italy | USA

Also known as: Camping Del Terrore, A Floresta Maldita, Body Count – Die Mathematik des Schreckens, Body Count – shamaani, Campamento del terror, Camping della morte, Contagem de cadáveres, Paraíso sangriento, Wyliczanka

Description: Group of teenagers on summer vacation goes to the woods of Colorado. On the way they pick up a young man named Ben, who invites them to stop at the camp with his parents. The guys gladly agree, since in reality a place to stay, they do not. Arriving at the camp in front of them offer marvelous desert place on all sides by pristine nature.

However, young people do not know that the camp has a bad reputation – old legend says that in these forests are home to Shaman – half human and half animal. Guys do not believe in fairy tales, but in vain ..

Review: Eighties, as we know, the stunning golden age of the genre “slasher”, which has several branches – I will mention only two – where the action takes place in the forest. Remember “Do not go into the woods alone …”, “Last of terror,” “Mad Men,” partially “burning,” and that’s the movie – a picture of Italian director Ruggero Deodato, known primarily for his paintings of cannibals, the most famous of which a “cannibal holocaust”. And so, this producer has decided to try his hand in a completely American genre, the American team, respectively. He managed it, or not?

Overall – yes, the film received excellent representative of American slasher, with filmed Italian filmmakers. Not to mention that, due to its method of shooting and the story plot, and other interesting nuances, Deodato was able to bring into the picture purely Italian flavor, which certainly adds to its charm.

The film tells the story of the ugly forest inhabitants nicknamed Shaman – poluchelovek-half-animals, which kills people. Local authorities do not believe in the legend of him, but in vain. And now his existence will make the hard group of young people …

Maniac turned terrific – it ugly face, he goes to the old Indian clothes and with a knife in his hand, which he kills his victims in various ways. Throughout the film, he will chase the main characters and destroy them one by one, and in the end you will know why.

In parallel with this story line before us is another – here included a sort of family drama, which is not that much need this film, but, like, and do not interfere, and watch her pleasure. At first sight it seems that this parallel story does not come into contact with the storyline about a maniac-freak, but then it becomes clear why the writers used it in the film, it makes the ending very effective, and there is particularly pleased to see that in the film for maniac has the last word, it becomes clear that it does not stop, never!

Directing is very flat – Deodato never be called a genius of his craft, but decent enough, and the camera does not shake, focuses primarily on the murders (although downside is that a lot of behind the scenes, but the movie itself is full of murder, he is completely Russia justifies its localized name – “Counting Bodies”), equal angles, but with the disadvantage that the statics too much. Sometimes wish that somehow the operator to show signs of life, because this is closer to the middle of the static film, he briefly sags, then the action starts again.

The music is very reminiscent of the soundtrack of a typical Italian Jalla – this, in part, is the special color ribbon. On the one hand – the typical American slasher, on the other – a film made in Italy, and some of the artistic elements of the genre-Deodato still brought into the picture.

As you can see, the picture is not without drawbacks, however, the advantages of it, of course, more and they are clearly outweighed in the balance. Watch the movie is not boring, quite amusing characters, the plot to the extent of about fun and maniac simply stunning, in addition, it shows a lot.



Body Count 1986