Very Curious Girl movie

Year: 1969

Duration: 01:42:02

Directed by: Nelly Kaplan

Actors: Bernadette Lafont, Georges Géret, Henry Czarniak, Claire Maurier

Language:  French (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as: La fiancée du pirate, A Noiva do Pirata, Dirty Mary, Alla bella Serafina piaceva far l’amore sera e mattina

Description: Marie (Bernadette Lafont from Prisonnieres and Gwendoline) is struggling to use her feminine charms to gain. She woos a few highly respected citizens. But local moralists sought exile Marie from the city. Soon, the woman had a plan how to make their tormentors pay for all the humiliation.

Review: A VERY CURIOUS GIRL starts off dourly and would easily be mistaken for a serious arthouse film for anyone who didn’t stick with it – but as soon as the bumbling, evasive, hypocritical ‘pillars of the community’ enter the picture it’s clear that it’s really a wicked comedy.  The funniest stuff is the way that the dialogue changes gears so rapidly from one line to the next with a character first sounding pious, then horny, then macho, then grovelling, etc.  The characters are so paper-thin that they’re caricatures: ergo, the whole story can be taken as a parable (the original title of the movie refers to another story that we never see, which in turn is supposed to be a distillation of this one, I guess…). Nelly Kaplan also filmed a movie – Nea – A Young Emmanuelle



A Very Curious Girl 1969

A Very Curious Girl 1969 (English subs)
