Tomboys_2009 Tomboys

Year: 2009

Duration: 01:19:27

Directed by: Nathan Hill

Actors: Candice Day, Naomi Davis, Sash Milne, Allie Hall, Sarah Hill, Daniel Rankin

Language: English

Country: USA | Australia

Also known as: Vengeance aveugle,

Description: WARNING-this movie is all revenge and any rapin’ going on might not be to your liking.

Somebody does have bum sex in this movie, but that’s not why I labeled in Exploitation.  Rape/revenge has always been exploitation fodder, and for this one “drama” was the second closest pick and this ain’t your momma’s drama.

The 3 reviews on imdb give a pretty good summary of Tomboys (I never knew “Non Statutory Female On Male Anal Rape” was a imdb keyword).

The violence against women portion of the rape/revenge equation all takes place before the movie begins, so half of you sick fucks are SOL. And for my taste this film is too much about pensive facial close-ups and dramatic music and not enough sack slicing and bung intrusions. It’s very claustrophobic and takes place almost entirely in a dark barn.

It remains, however a decent entry into a hallowed exploitation sub-genre and a good download for completists and the curious. Was pretty surprised this one wasn’t already here. This was not my rip I found it on a file-host forum when it was new. And my gut says this place needed some Tomboys.



Tomboys 2009