Sunset-Heat Sunset Heat

Year: 1992

Duration: 01:32:10

Directed by: John Nicolella

Actors: Michael Paré, Adam Ant, Dennis Hopper

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Midnight Heat, Heiße Nächte in L.A., Midnight Hero,Pasado turbulento, Az éjszaka hevében, Bersaglio di mezzanotte, Ponoćna žega

Description of Sunset Heat movie:Back in Los Angeles after a long absence, photojournalist Eric (Michael Paré – Triplecross) «gets in trouble». He stops in Malibu in the house of his friend Danny, who had been involved in a mafia case, stealing from gangsters million dollars.

Infuriated by the gangster boss Karl Madsen, who prior to departure from Los Angeles Eric sold drugs, gives the order to kill Danny, takes hostage a beloved Eric and give him 24 hours to find and recover the stolen money.




Sunset Heat