MV5BODkzMzMxMzk4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODYxNDQ0MQ@@._V1_SY317_CR40214317_AL_ Second to Die

Year: 2002

Duration: 01:25:49

Directed by: Brad Marlowe

Actors: Erika Eleniak, Jerry Kroll, Colleen Camp

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Секунда до смъртта, Un segundo para morir, Sekunti kuolemaan, Complicité fatale, A halál pillanata, Plano Falhado


Successfully marrying on a rich guy, resourceful Sarah Morgan is confident that ensured a comfortable future, and only then learns that she has to constantly take care of his ailing stepdaughter.

To be saved from the hell that had become her life, Sarah decides to get rid of her husband, which earned him rich insurance.

A sinister plan perfect killer, but a calculating villain does not imply that it is waiting for a cruel surprise…


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Second to Die 2002