Unsatisfied_Love_AKA_Love_After_Death_1968 Love After Death

Year: 1968

Duration: 01:11:34

Directed by: Glauco Del Mar

Actors: Guillermo De Córdova, Roberto Maurano, Carmin O’Neal, Angel Mario Ramirez

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Unsatisfied Love

Description: During a cataleptic fit, Montel is buried alive, a burial plotted by his greedy wife Sofia with several men, including her lover, Montel’s doctor. Exiting his grave, Montel goes on a sexual rampage. When the conspirators engage in gun play at an abandoned castle, Montel arrives to stab the doctor and strangle Sofia, followed by the revelation that he is actually dead. The director of Love After Death Glauco Del Mar also filmed The Tigress



Unsatisfied Love AKA Love After Death 1968