The-Night-Evelyn-Came-Out-of-the-Grave La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:41:13

Directed by: Emilio Miraglia

Actors: Anthony Steffen ,Marina Malfatti, Enzo Tarascio

Language: Italian

Country: Italy

Also known as: The night She Arose from the tomb, The night that Evelyn left the tomb,The night Evelyn came out of the grave,Die grotte die vergessenen Leichen,Holocaust pour une vierge, L ‘appel de la chair,La crypte du fou ,Kataigida stin epavli ton orgion ,Tin nyhta pou i Evelyn vgike ap’ton tafo tis ,Regressada da tumba ,yilanlarin gecesi,Stumme Schreie

Description: Wife of Lord Cunningham died, so he leads in his castle women, like her, red-haired beauties and kills them all. To get rid of criminal addiction, he marries again. New wife says that the grave of her predecessor in the family vault is empty…

Director and screenwriter Emilio Miraglia has shot only 6 movies. But two of them immediately gained huge success among the audience and a place in the list of the best “Giallo” films, for becoming fans of this iconic genre. After the success of the film “the Night Evelyn came out of the grave”, a year later, Miraglia takes the Thriller “The Lady in Red Kills Seven Times“, which had even greater success. Unfortunately, on six films directed and stopped, without removing anything else. But even these films enough to consider Emilio Miraglia to classic Italian horror and “Giallo”.



La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba