Hold-Me-Thrill-Me-Kiss-Me Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me

Year: 1992

Duration: 01:32:49

Directed by: Joel Hershman

Actors: Max Parrish, Adrienne Shelly, Sean Young

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Ainda Te Pego, Halt mich, küss mich, lieb mich, Csókolj, ölelj, tégy raboddá!


If John Waters, Russ Meyer, David Lynch, Alex Cox and Hal Hartley all got together to make a  trailer trash comedy it would probably resemble something like this.

Probably the best all around white trash trailer park film of the 90’s with a fine cast including the wonderful Adrienne Shelly (Night Class), may she rest in peace, a great soundtrack and a lot of energy.

This is an untouched panasonic dvd recorder copy from laserdisc which is  a little soft but still looks pretty good. Hope you enjoy it.



Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me (1992)