Absolute-Evil Absolute Evil

Year: 2009

Duration: 1:18:19

Directed by: Ulli Lommel

Actors: David Carradine, Carolyn Neff, Rusty Joiner, Ulli Lommel, Christoper Kriesa, Elissa Dowling, Mark Irvingsen, Jamie Bernadette

Language: English

Country: Germany | USA

Also known as: Absolute Evil – Final Exit


Lovers  Savannah and Cooper drive through southern Texas. Unaware that they are being followed, they check into a motel at the Mexican border. When Savannah leaves to buy food, a Detective named Ringo sneaks into the room and  pulls his gun on Cooper, accusing him of killing  Aaron Miller, Savannah’s father – a murder which took place 15 years before. Savannah, however, sees this through a window and manages to turn the tables. Armed with her own gun, she surprises Ringo, ties him up, and frees Cooper. As the two jump into their car, a man steps out of the shadows and shoots Cooper, killing him. He then points his gun at Savannah.
Three weeks later in hotel suite in Hollywood, a man, while being waterboarded in a bath tub, is asked over and over,  who killed Cooper (alias,”Babyface.”) When the man refuses to cooperate and shows nothing but contempt for his captor, the torture continues. Layer by layer, the  movie reveals the truth about Cooper  and Savannah.



Absolute Evil 2009