Death-Powder Desu pawuda

Year: 1986

Duration: 01:00:23

Directed by: Shigeru Izumiya

Actors: Shigeru Izumiya, Takichi Inukai, Rikako Murakami

Language: Japanese ( English subs)

Country: Japan

Also known as: Death Powder

Description of Desu pawuda: Fans of hallucinatory head-movies will enjoy this bizarre sci-fi film from Japanese director Shigeru Izumiya. Computer graphics, black-and-white narrative, and stock footage are interpolated to strange and grotesque extends in this early cyberpunk classic. If you like the other cyberpunky films of the late 80’s/early 90’s (Tuskamoto’s & Fukui’s especially) then you should give this a try, as it’s essentially the forerunner of those films. This was the director’s only film (he also acts in it), although he has acted in many others and was a famous protest musician in the 70’s (there’s also a great punky score).

Some parts of the film have onscreen Japanese hardsubs. In some cases there is audible dialogue during these scenes, in other cases not. Where there is dialogue I have timed the subtitles to that, rather than follow the hardsubs (which tend to be quite brief).

Review of Death Powder: Three adventurers get away from the crazy Dr. Lou experimental prototype android and hide it in an abandoned warehouse. This seemingly lifeless android suddenly wakes up and breathes in the face of one of the new owners of a powder, and then he starts to go crazy with the nightmarish hallucinations, at the same time pulling into the abyss of madness and its poor fellows companion.



Desu pawuda

English subs