6 Votes

Marquis_de_Sade Marquis de Sade's Prosperities of Vice

Year: 1988

Duration: 01:35:20

Directed by: Akio Jissoji

Actors: Yasumi Hara, Renji Ishibashi and Seiran Li

Language: Japanese

Country: Japan

Also known as: Marquis de Sades’s Prosperities of Vice, Vice Amply Rewarded

Description: Decadent Marquis in the 20s in Japan obsessed with the life and work of the Marquis de Sade. It creates a theater in which the play puts on the works of the notorious writer. As he gains troupe thieves , prostitutes and poor people who embody these violent fantasies on stage to the delight of his rich, jaded friends.

In search of new sensations Marquis ordered one of the actors on pain of death to make love with his wife , and he secretly watching this . Unfortunately , the intrusion of real life in this fantasy world will be detrimental to the Marquis and his divinely decadent party .



Akutoku no sakae 1988

Akutoku no sakae (English Subs)