3-D-Sex-and-Zen-Extreme-Ecstasy 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

Year: 2011

Duration: 02:08:07

Directed by: Christopher Sun Lap Key

Actors:  Hiro Hayama, Leni Lan, Saori Hara

Language: Cantonese (English subs)

Country: Hong Kong

Also known as: 3D rou pu tuan zhi ji le bao jian, 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy, Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy, 3D Sex and Zen, 3D Sex and Zen: I apolyti ekstasi Greece, Sex and Zen – Extrema Êxtase, Sex and Zen 3D

Description: The main character wants to know all sexual pleasures which exist in this world. He goes to the castle of depravity, to know the desire, passion, pleasure, learning how to meet and give pleasure.

Review: Erotic film adaptation of the myths and legends of ancient China in the entourage got a wonderful fairy tale for adults, combining elements of a fantastic story and visual entertainment, balancing on the edge of genius and trash, surprising many of his things, but not as candid shots as the characters and their actions.

The first is to say that this is an erotic movie, not porn. Nothing super-detailed and explicit in the film is not, and all the scenes of this nature are inherent in quite a spectacular film rating R, without excesses and conventions. Moreover, the focus of the film is left on the female erotica, and, accordingly, the male audience. Appearing somehow in the story phallic symbols of manhood and often covered or lined with hints, at the time, as charming Asian girl model looks are presented in great abundance of naked bodies, sweetly illustrated with a variety of perspectives, but again with no close-ups below zone, and no frame penetration sex scene.

The film is parallel to the two key ideas – the passion and love, presenting them in various incarnations, intertwined and even distinguishing between a rigid manner. In the story, though, and crazed sexual aspect of relationships, and then float the motives of friendship and betrayal, store loyalty and betrayal, mental and physical abuse, as obstacles to finding true love and harmony relationship. Coming finally to the wise and the “old man’s” morality that without sex can live in perfect harmony many years, being happy in advanced years, the film now and then will expose human vices from a fit of anger and jealousy to vozzhelaniya foreign brides and theft. But do not forget that the film is Asian and Buddhist elements, so to make a sermon on the ten commandments of the Christian here no one asked, and readings of notations, fortunately, did not anticipate.

Several of the main characters of noble status of youth trying to spend on knowledge of all frills and beautiful adult entertainment erotic techniques and learn to know the pleasures. Legendary artifacts and “nature” as the weave of the more fabulousness in the events and conventions, making the already colorful, tasty and impressive image even more visually rich and vibrant.

Erotic film in 3D-format perfectly justifies its status and conferred the title, as is more than meets the expectations. It is so impressive and colorful 3D, even the start-up with the flag remains firmly in mind, but what’s outstretched hand, flying daggers and eventually bulk feminine charms – clearly not seen will never forget the sight. The present three-dimensional erotic attraction and entertainment, male holiday and a very funny movie!

His story slips from trying to study the transformation of the human relationship to the intima to the bizarre tales of replacing human manhood of the horses, so to speak for larger proportions. Freud and classical analysts applauded the film stood for twenty minutes, commenting on all the contested exquisitely complex and metaphors, filled interpretation of virtually the entire video series, and will be right – the film does not only exposes the participants’ bodies and human wickedness, but with the mind and soul, tumbling out the full range of psychology intersexual relationships and sexual conflicts, both external and internal.

The important element here is the pathos and epic events. Of course, large-scale state of war should not wait, but the importance of events is presented with flair and chords that even the sex scenes by powerful musical accompaniment for its atmosphere captured. Small events are always associated with major, minor – with the principal, and it all comes out in the end to a large-scale level, which is not poured into China or Asia, but concerns the universal understanding of the customs and peculiarities.

The film Extreme Ecstasy is perfect for your busy frame and number of spectacular scenes, he is so lovely and beautiful, that is breathtaking, elegant looks in a very cool presentation of a three-dimensional format, but let us down with their heroes. This, perhaps, is that the Asian picture, which is easily applicable to the expression-stamp “is all on one person.” And it would seem, even in this case, to distinguish between the characters could be on the basis of a primitive anime – for haircuts, only problem is that even the hairstyles are limited to two-three variations, and the characters, like the characters, it is easy to confuse with each other in viewing time. Characters are stored – but the person is not present, you can remember for a long time and the main couple, and the villain with his faithful kinzhalschikom-guard, and the guru of sex with a coiled snake, but their faces will departure from the memory even at the beginning of the title.

Even the diversity of naked beauties remembered only a few scenes, such as swimming or lesbian tattoo to the fun, but all of these beauties like model at each other like two drops of water. On the one hand it is insanely good, and the film pleases literally solid charming girls and women on the other – to allocate specifically someone can only with great difficulty.

“Sex and Zen” carried away in its mythological and entertain the action from the heart, but toward the end of the beauty of the film abruptly drowned in the original Asian grinder, made mostly primitive and ridiculous, but you see developing in parallel directly to the emotional climax of the main plot. A fairy tale when it becomes bloody and terrible, heroes and villains gain final tuning-types of the playing victims and sadists, and although the entertainment it brings even more tone of the film is changed too drastically and unpleasant, just lining to sense and triumphant end.

Chinese tale for adults, with their own quirks and eccentricities, can fairly entertain and have fun, a lot of advice to give to young couples in love to love life and just unite, to bring an atmosphere of intimate romance. After such a picture you want, perhaps, something of the same invention poses “Kama Sutra” with a detailed approach to the physiology and psychology, including a large set of all erotic myths of ancient peoples. “Sex and Zen” – is, of course, film phenomenon and an example of brilliant craftsmanship, great creation of cinema, which can set the stimulus appearance similar pictures. Very spectacular, beautiful and colorful, and most importantly – very exciting. Looks in amazement!



3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy 2011

3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy 2011 (English subtitles)