12 Votes

Last-Caress Last Caress

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:11:46

Directed by: François Gaillard, Christophe Robin

Actors: Julie Baron, Guillaume Beylard, Elina Calmels

Language: French (English Subs)

Country: France

Also known as: 

Description: Here’s one for the fans of giallo, François Gaillard’s Last Caress aka Glam Gore aka Blackaria 2 that delivers quite nicely with hypnotic shots, titties and some sweet gore. If you still haven’t checked out his first film, you can grab it here. Blackaria part one can be found here

Plot: Katherine arrives with friends at a country mansion of her cousin, artist Alexandra. She, as it turns out, is not at home, so the company decided to wait for her to pass the time and at the same time for a seance. Entertain guests do not know that the hostess was killed the day before for one of her paintings, and the murderer is still in the house.



Last Caress 2010

Last Caress 2010 (Eng Subs)