Year: 1945
Duration: 02:05:56
Directed by: Leo McCarey
Actors: Bing Crosby, Ingrid Bergman, Henry Travers, William Gargan
Language: English
Country: USA
Also known as: Leo McCarey’s The Bells of St. Mary’s, Os Sinos de Santa Maria, Die Glocken von St. Mary, Le campane di Santa Maria
Description: Father O `Molly was appointed as new priest at St Mary’s Church and rector at the parish school at the church, the local people told him that his predecessor fel ill and went to the hospital, because of nuns. Father O `Molly met with the headmaster Sister Benedict, a very nice young woman who selflessly loves children and wants to restore already heavily dilapidated school. Her dream is to fisted rich old gentleman, unfortunately, is not very fond of children, donated the money to build a school and to discontinue its intention to seize the territory of the church to create a parking lot for cars. Father begins to help a new friend in saving the school and they do it, and maybe even the characters love each other, but unfortunately they have to leave, sister Benedict has early stage of tuberculosis …
Review: The film “The Bells of St. Mary” – a continuation of the famous painting “Going My Way.” At this time the father Molly O’Brien appointed rector in the parish school at St. Mary’s Church. And he once again had to find a common language with the employees of the church to build relationships with children and to save the church from imminent closure. Only this time the nuns were more pliable than Fitzdzhibbon father, children are more educated, and the problems and did almost decided without his intervention. If we compare these two films, it is easy to see that his father Molly O’Brien contributed far less screen time. And no wonder, because apart from Bing Crosby in the film there is another star of the first magnitude – Ingrid Bergman. Moreover, this film focuses precisely on this, and Crosby goes by the wayside.
LOL, “nunspolitation”?
retro nunsplotation