Liberté-la-nuit-e1439546503429 Liberty at Night

Year: 1984

Duration: 82 min

Directed by: Philippe Garrel

Actors: Emmanuel Riva, Maurice Garrel, Christine Boisson

Language: French ( with English sub)

Country: France

Also known as: Liberté, la nuit (French ), Freiheit, die Nacht(West Germany)

Description: The action takes place in Paris during the Algerian events (1954-1962). The Algerian people’s struggle for independence. Jean and his wife mush help FLN (national liberation Front), unaware of the activities of each other. At some point, Jean decides to get away from mush. Soon her kill members of the OAS (Secret armed organization). The war ended and once again Jean covered with a strong passion for young Frenchwoman of Algerian origin. But their happiness does not last long…

