15 Votes

Le-temoin Le temoin

Year: 1978

Duration: 01:29:57

Directed by: Jean-Pierre Mocky

Actors: Alberto Sordi, Philippe Noiret, Roland Dubillard 

Language: French(English subs)

Country: France,Italy

Also known as: A Testemunha,Il testimone,The Witness

Description: The artist is a pedophile is hidden under the guise of a decent person. His hobby to draw naked Schoolgirls. Soon disappears one of his Nudes – a 12 year old girl. After some time the police find her dead body. It is taken for experienced professionals…

A Lolita, who used to pose(an angel!) for Sordi,a painter in charge of restoring a church, is killed. Sordi knows crucial elements about the crime.Then a good psychological suspense begins ,enhanced by an angelic choir in the church.



Le témoin 1978

Le témoin 1978 english subs