Devil_in_the_Flesh__Diavolo_in_corpo_1986 Devil in the Flesh

Year: 1986

Duration: 1:54:50

Directed by: Marco Bellocchio

Actors: Maruschka Detmers, Federico Pitzalis, Anita Laurenzi

Language: Italian(English soft subs)

Country: Italy, France

Also known as: Diavolo in corpo Italy (original title), El diablo en el cuerpo (Spain)

Description: “The Devil in the flesh” in a sense – a milestone for European, and other things cinema – this is the first movie with unsimulated sex scenes. Not surprisingly, because of the candid moments of the work of Italian director Marco Bellochchio was limited to showing in movie theaters, as well as about ten minutes of it was cut. But with all the “scandal” theme, the movie “Diavolo in corpo” is in relative oblivion and familiar only to very few.

Encyclopedia of World can learn an interesting fact: in the late 90’s, “The Devil in the flesh” was shown on one of the TV channels in Canada. As a result of errors in the air has got not a stripped-down version of the film on the leadership of the ill-fated navlekshaya channel huge number of complaints. I, alas, have observed more common – a shortened version, the length of 1 hour and 45 minutes, but in this case I was understandably Italian distributors. Indeed, the show is not exactly in theaters appropriate. Because of the abundance of very personal, intimate scenes to watch “Diavolo in corpo” better alone.

Surprising trend: movies like this show the group of spectators – they immediately will call his depraved, pornographic, or worse – a mockery of the audience. The reverse reaction will occur in those who watched the film alone – such a person swallows all. Perhaps then it’s not a movie, and the feelings of the audience, in the notorious confusion?

In fact, nothing wrong with the film Bellochchio not. A normal adult would know here is nothing new about our favorite sport. Moreover, the sex scenes in the movie (with all their wonderful variety) do not look unnecessary overkill tribute stupid aestheticism or get up to mischief instincts director. Sex is beautiful, organically interwoven with the plot and provides a general idea of ​​the film. Because this work is called pornography is simply blasphemous.

“The Devil in the flesh” – it is just the very, very rare combination of forms of erotic film and deep content truly serious, the author’s work. For this film, even advisable to come up with a whole genre – erotic-political (!) Drama. Somewhere in the 60-ies of the last century in Italy was born a unique move filmmakers filmed the politically-oriented film. Marco Bellochchio the brightest representative of this trend, always shooting pictures with a clear emphasis on that side of life of Italians.



Devil in the Flesh 1986 | Free Download