25 Votes

A-Tigers-Tale A Tiger's Tale

Year: 1987

Duration: 01:38:34

Directed by: Peter Douglas

Actors: Ann Margret , C , Tomas Howell , Charles Durning , Kelly Preston

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: I kyria kai o protaris

Description of Tiger’s Tale movie: The great thing about this flick is the fact aside from Howell, you’ve got the gorgeous Kelly Preston, and even William bloody Zabka. And yet it isn’t your typical teeny movie. Of course, it ain’t no Citizen Kane, but it ain’t half bad either. Shedloads more of this kinda shit comin’ up over the next few weeks. So enjoy, everybody, while I go watch Avenger Penguins. And sing the theme tune.

You never had to live in a house with a predator ? No, not a jealous husband , and his wife , bitch , and … with a tiger , for example? That Bubber this prospect is not too pleased . Domestic hell he preferred to date with classmate Shirley . All anything , that’s just my mother Shirley , Nurse Rose, was really very nice and sexy .

And then twirled : meetings in bed and jogging in the nude in the vicinity of the town, the showdown with friends and family … but a brand new life began at Rose and Bubber when they learned of the impending birth of their baby …



A Tiger’s Tale 1987