Year: Not available
Duration: 01:04:32
Directed by: Jeremiah Films
Actors: Not available
Language: English
Country: USA
Also known as: Devil’s Worship
Description: Religous propaganda documentary during the late 80’s about the rise of “Satanic panic” era. Some of the ground covered: Aleister Crowley, Anton Lavey, Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker), ex-Satanists who look like your grandmother and children’s drawings of satanic ritual abuse, along with Satan’s tools of destruction. Apparently, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Ouija Boards, Dungeons & Dragons and He-Man are just some of the doorways that lead down the occultic path to Satanism. If you listen to heavy metal music, you’ll be sacrificing babies in no time.
I am a Christian (Church of Christ). Last year at a summer Bible camp, a topic you discussed inside the class was whether Satanism is because scary because it sounds.
I have not, ever dabbled inside any black magic or voodoo. I not usually. However there are folks whom state which they have enjoyed it and/or been piece of the cult, plus a few of them won’t even talk regarding it. All of my Bible teachers appear to believe it is not real, however considering my Mom grew up inside a neighborhood where spiritualism was common, I learn there has to be anything going on available I don’t very recognize.
Do elements REALLY go on? What form of elements? I am especially interested, because black magic plus Satanism appear to be tied into 1 general practice about you Christians. I don’t even recognize when they are the same thing. I am getting vague answers at the number one within the folks I have asked. Truly, what do individuals do because a worshipper of Satan? Are all these aspects like Ouija boards plus candlelight seances chosen inside Satanism?
Many of my Christian neighbors tend to think it is all either illusion or defying the regulations of physics. I would appreciate certain real answers from folks that certainly recognize what goes on, considering I don’t like to receive me caught up inside it. I am not seeking to receive included inside any voodoo, I am just a Christian that wants real answers considering I haven’t got any, plus I’m scared I won’t unless I ask those whom learn anything more.
Believe me: it is real! And bad! Satan himself does not exist, and invoking him is an illusion.
But one can invoke demons which will do what you ask, if you perform the rituals correctly.
The problem is to controle it, because, in a way, you are selling your soul: you will become sick, worried about everything, afraid of everything; you’ll become irrational and mad.
But all this belongs the “Astral World”, which makes part of the dualistic world, and that is not the “Heaven” explained by Jesus. So it is allways possible to go back to the wright track!
Please, do not experiment with satanism…
Amazing how y’all buy into the bullshit without lifting a finger to look behind the propaganda and fear-mongering.
There are allegedly theistic satanists out there somewhere, but I have yet to see any real evidence beyond isolated nutcases that like animal torture. These are common criminal idiots that have just found a pseudo-belief system to satisfy their warped minds.
The overwhelming majority of “satanists” are not religious at all – they have no belief in spooks, the supernatural or any of the god bothering gibberish your religions subscribe to.
They are secular libertines / libertarians. They use “satanism” as a template to operate around for their play acting / dress up cocktail clubs and get enormous glee out of horrifying folks like you that take pride in your deliberate ignorance.
If you bothered to peruse the literature of the latter “satanist” groups, you would find nothing that lives up to the nonsense you assume “satanism” to be. In fact, I find that as far as codified ethics and morality go, they are leaps and bounds ahead of, and preferable to, any organised religion that has ever cursed our species – all unified by the same hypocrisies, bogus moral panics and lynch mob mentalities that have butchered countless millions through the ages. They have chosen Lucifer as a symbol because it is one that is the “bringer of light”. All other religions bring only intellectual and social darkness. Seriously, do some research *before* declaring your expertise.
In a way it’s good that you advertise yourself with nonsense posts like the ones above. It really sorts the wheat from the chaff.
According to some sources, year of the production is 1989.
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Any chance of repost this? Thanks.
Before i state anything im not a satanist or devil worshipper, i am really certainly interested inside this kinda thing. may somebody assist me out by explaning the difference between Satan plus Bathomet. Additionally, why the eastern star represents satan? because all it aparently shows is Bathomets goats head “god of lust” or w.e. Additionally why folks receive satan plus bathy mixed up. merely well-defined items up for me please