4 Votes

Blooded-213x300 Blooded
duration Blooded Run time: 1h 20min
heart Blooded Rating: 4.2
genre Blooded Genres: Horror,Thriller
info Blooded Director: Edward Boase

info Blooded Writers: James Walker, Edward Boase, Magma Pictures, Ptarmigan ACP

star Blooded Stars: Neil McDermott, Nick Ashdon, Mark Dexter

list Blooded Year: 2011
list Blooded Source: imdb_id Blooded

The film follows a mockumentary style wherein a documentary is presented alleging to contain footage from actual events.

The term ‘blooded’ refers to a ritual in common practice among hunters, where a hunter after his/her first kill gets to smear blood from the kill on their face.

Blooded is set in the highlands of Scotland around 2005 and follows a group of five smarmy deer hunters  who indulge in the blooded ritual. The following morning, a right wing animal rights group calling themselves the Real Animal League (RAL) kidnap the five hunters with the intention of giving them a first-hand experience of how animals feel when they’re hunted.

RAL strips the hunters to their underwear and sets them free to run for their lives among the highlands. Then ensues a deadly game of hunt and kill as the hunters become the prey while counting down their hours of survival.

A website was created to legitimize the existence of the fictional RAL and a viral video set loose on the internet claiming to contain footage from the ‘hunt’ that was intended to serve as a deterrent to other hunters in the region.

Country: UK
Language: English
Also know as: Freiwild, Freiwild – Zum Abschuss freigegeben,