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Survival_of_the_Dead_2009 Survival of the Dead

Year: 2009

Duration: 01:26:05

Directed by: George A. Romero

Actors: Alan Van Sprang, Kenneth Welsh and Kathleen Munroe

Language: English

Country: USA, Canada

Also known as: …of the Dead, George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead, La survie des morts-vivants, La reencarnación de los muertos, La resistencia de los muertos, Epizontas apo tous apethantous, Opstanak živih mrtvaca, Survival of the dead – L’isola dei sopravvissuti

Description: Entirely filmed in Canada instead of the Pennsylvania locations used in the earlier episodes of the franchise, “Survival” sets the action mainly on a fictional Plum Island in Delaware. It’s been six days since the dead began to walk, and two local families, the O’Flynns and the Muldoons, are at loggerheads about how to deal with the zombie incursion.

The O’Flynns’ patriarch (Kenneth Welsh) prefers a zero-tolerance approach, exterminating the infected with extreme prejudice. The Muldoon clan chief (Richard Fitzpatrick) insists they should chain up the zombies, especially those related to him, and wait for a cure.

O’Flynn is outnumbered in a standoff and forced into exile on the mainland with a few fellow clansmen. Seeking revenge, he posts a video on a YouTube-like site inviting people to come to Plum, hoping more zombies will get to the island to bedevil Muldoon and Co.

Meanwhile, a renegade band of soldiers, first met in “Diary,” hook up with an unnamed teenage boy (Devon Bostick, who, like nearly all the thesps here, is Canadian) who tells them about O’Flynn’s video invitation. Hard-nosed squad leader Sarge (Alan Van Sprang, veteran of “Diary of the Dead” and its predecessor, “Land of the Dead”) begrudgingly agrees to go to Plum with him and the squad.

Review: The news of the release of his new creation, George Romero regaled the audience a lot. And for a long time. As early as the year went on network teaser trailer, even a report about the shooting of the film. And as the date of the premiere was just a year. At first, the last, in 2009. Now here’s a present. And the miracle happened – out in theaters of America announced at the end of May, and the DVD which where on the world – and in the middle of March. Here is a copy of the foreign DVD, since it was unlikely we show in the movie, and was reduced available. Yes, and it is of course about the fifth part of a zombie epic Survival of the Dead (Survival of the Dead).

In fact, being the sixth picture of the founder of the genre and a living classic, about the walking dead, “Survival” is the second part of a sort of restart the franchise. Ambiguous “Diary of the Dead”, takes us back to the origins of the epidemic, there were some experiments in the fashion envelope psevdodokumentalizma. Here are all the old fashioned way – and the picture, and classic ghouls, and the situation between the “Night” and “Dawn” dead. Zombies are already there, but the world has so far held only starting to slide into chaos.

By the way, there appears to be only mechanically removes Romero remake of the very same myself 40 years of old, repeating the same moves and techniques. And only in the middle of the picture you realize that most likely he so subtly urged on the viewer, at first seeming stale classic, parasitic on his best creation.

The plot is a logical continuation of “Diaries”, but with the eyes of other characters. Who watched can remember a group of soldiers and robbed tormoznuvshih van protagonists. So, now we have them take a closer look. And also with the residents of one island in the ocean, a kind of patriarchal rural paradise, untouched and the world epidemic of zombies.

The islanders split into two parts – one to see the walking dead threat to all and try to destroy them, while others flatly refuse to beat the brains deceased relatives. Along the way, remembering the old squabbles and in anticipation of the approaching anarchy beginners to direct weapons against each other.

The scale of the new film is more reminiscent of the legendary Romero’s “Night of the Dead“, zombies often appear in the frame, but has not yet filled the whole world. People are quite deftly dealt with each other and with the dead, the scale of the action, not confined to the four walls, modest and epic to “Breaking Dawn” is not trying to reach. While the zombies themselves present the proper amount, as well as action, bloody butchering the living and the dead, and other proprietary chips wizard. The acting (as always, a little-known or non-professionals at all) does not spoil the picture, landscapes of early autumn in rural areas of the island, suggest an easy good grief and generally pleasing to the eye. Well, put on the fact with all the zeal embedded ghouls – for them when directing master to worry and not worth it. Walk, roam, chew live – all within the strict canons and with all the zeal represented.

As a result, we have a strong hand that has continued for decades developed subgenre of horror. Moreover, from the hands of the founder and chief ideologue. Without any revelations, but it resmotribelnoe and attracting spectacle. Master has shown that it is not worse himself in the early days of its star. And there is hope that it will be enough strength and enthusiasm, if not surpass, but with a modern twist to repeat its main (and in style) creation – a pillar of the zombie movie – “Dawn of the Dead” After the “Survival of the Dead” in itself is quite hard to believe



Survival of the Dead 2009