8 Votes

Das_Experiment_AKA_The_Experiment Das Experiment AKA The Experiment

Year: 2001

Duration: 01:58:46

Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel

Actors: Moritz Bleibtreu, Christian Berkel, Oliver Stokowski, Wotan Wilke Möhring

Language: German (English subs)

Country: Germany

Also known as: The Experiment, L’expériment, Experimentet, Эксперимент, Eksperimentet

Description: During a scientific experiment, 12 ordinary people voluntarily became two-week “prisoners” in prison, while eight of the same volunteers became their guards. The task of the first – to observe the rules of prison regime, the second’s group task – to maintain order. But human nature takes its toll, and the experiment gets out of control: a dispassionate glance of the guards revel power humiliating prisoners, and the prison rebellion is brewing …

Review: Experiment – a method of studying the phenomenon under controlled conditions. Just run this experiment is not entirely successful. People are too much like suddenly fallen down on their power. Power – is the opportunity and ability to carry out its will affect the activities and behavior of other people, even against resistance. That’s “guards”, despite the resistance, to do whatever they like.

Negative picture. Too quickly out of control managers. Somehow it is not natural.



Das Experiment AKA The Experiment

Das Experiment AKA The Experiment (English subs)