Hungry Wives movieHungry Wives movie

Year:  1972

Duration:  1:44:24

Directed by:  George A. Romero

Actors:   Jan White, Raymond Laine, Ann Muffly

Language:  English

Country:  USA

Also known as:  George A. Romero’s Season of the Witch , Season of the Witch , La estación de la bruja ,  Noita , Jack’s Wife , La stagione della strega , A Época das Bruxas 

Description: After the huge success of Night of the Living Dead, George A. Romero tried a different approach for his next couple of films. Romero didn’t want to be pigeon holed into the horror genre like many other directors. The first of these films to be released was There’s Always Vanilla, George’s version of the popular counter culture films of the day. The box-office was paying off very well for films like Goodbye Colombus, The Graduate and Easy Rider, the same can’t be said for Vanilla. The film tanked at the box-office. Romero’s next project was Season of the Witch a.k.a. Jack’s Wife, not really a horror film but promoted as one. Season of the Witch used the concerns of the growing feminist movement to fuel a plot that had less to do with witchcraft than it did with women finding their independence. Season was such a failure at the box-office that Romero was still paying its debt five years later. Romero has pretty much distanced himself from both of these early efforts going as far as to say that they were “crap.” Granted, neither film will have the mass appeal that his other films have had but they are still worthy efforts that deserve a look. H.G. Lewis, the director of Blood Feast and 2000 Maniacs, also tried his hand at non-horror films with much less success. Some of H.G.’s films like Year of the Yahoo and Blast-Off Girls are almost unbearable to watch today while Romero’s non-horror films are still relevant 35 years after they were made. That’s the beauty of Romero’s films, he’s able to take a simple premise like invading zombies or suburban witches and infuse the social and political problems of the times into the plot.



 Hungry Wives 1972
