El perro movieEl perro movie

Year: 1979

Duration: 01:46:37

Directed by: Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi

Actors: Jason Miller, Lea Massari, Juan Antonio Porto

Language: English | Spanish

Country: Spain

Also known as: A Dog Called… Vengeance, Les crocs du diable, The Dog

Description: A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog. But it’s so much more than that! After about the 1hr10m mark, our hero gets to live it up in some nice ass condo with some red haired lady while dodging aggravated militia. The dog takes a back seat for a sizeable chunk of the film, but to make up for this, everyone shoots at everyone. I give the whole schlock a B-



El perro
