mujeres-Acorrladas-poster Mujeres Acorraladas

Year: 1986

Duration: 80 min

Directed by: Jesus Franco

Actors: Lina Romay, Veronica Seetom, Robert Foster, Ana Stern

Language: Spanish | English Fansubs

Country: Spain

Also known as: Trapped Women

Description: First off, this movie is often confused with Fury in the Tropics, also by Jess Franco. It gets confused for good reason: about 65% of this is in Fury. Go to the above link to read a better description and comparison of the two similar yet different flicks! What I think happened was that originally Fury was close to 2 hrs in length. Its not the most interesting or suspenseful thing ever made. Franco cut it down to 84 minutes, realized he could make a second movie out of the remaining footage, and presto, instant new movie to puzzle and irritate collectors. A lot of Franco’s movies have alternate cuts and footage, but this and Fury are considered to be two different movies. Enjoy the fan-made eng subtitles…special HUGE thanks to that guy!



 Mujeres Acorraladas (1986)