19 Votes

Sitcom_1998 Sitcom

Year: 1998

Duration: 01:16:44

Directed by: François Ozon

Actors: Évelyne Dandry, François Marthouret and Marina de Van

Language: French (English subs)

Country: France

Also known as: Home Drama, Koko perheen lemmikki, Sitcom – la famiglia è simpatica, Szappanoperett

Description: The discreet charm of the bourgeois family is destroyed with the advent of the home laboratory rat, presented by the head of the family to his children. Communication with the animal destroys the harmony of household, borning in the soul vice.

Son is gay, the daughter appears to have BDSM addictions, supplemented with suicidal syndrome, in the mother wakes up the Electra complex, and only the father is an outside observer of what is happening. But and he will be touched by a powerful energy of a little “harmless” animal.

Review: Back in 1998, François Ozon, then a young director, but already known for its outrageous shorts, no less shocking debut in “cinema.” First feature-length directorial debut for ozone was the tape “Sitcom” well-received and critics and audiences. Already in “Sitcom” was a characteristic signature for the director: identification of skeletons in the closet in the ordinary bourgeois family.

The opening scene immediately sets the pace sprightly throughout the narrative – a short, anecdotal, oversaturated with erotic and psychological trick. Before us is a traditional, one hundred percent French, family. The head of the family – wise father, the good mother, son, korpyaschy over textbooks and unremarkable daughter. But one day his father brings home an innocent lab rats. Soon cute little animal begins to exert its beneficial influence. Having been in the hands of each, it destroys the usual family idyll, creating in each household perverse desires: Nicolas immediately declares that he is bisexual, Sophie begins to suffer suicidal syndrome supplemented sadomasochistic tendencies, his mother wakes Electra complex, and only the father is indifferent to everything going on in the house, but for how long?

Ozone carefully dissects each family member gives access to all the desires of a hidden characters, so much so as Pasolini himself never dreamed of. Behind the facade of an idyllic picture with peacefully dines Semeiko hiding hilarious naborchik choicest perversions: incest, masochism, homosexuality and pedophilia, masturbation and voyeurism, as well as other amenities secret passions.



Sitcom 1998