711 Votes

redshoesbird Red Shoe Diaries: Caged Bird

Year: 1995

Duration: 00:25:15

Directed by: Rafael Eisenman

Actors: Jacqueline Lovell, Arroyn Lloyd, Shannon Atteberry

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Season 4 Ep: 4

Description: Red Shoe Diaries is the grande dame of late-night-TV erotica. The plot is elegant in its sexy simplicity. A loser whose wife dies on him puts an ad in the classifieds seeking out women’s dirty stories to collect for a book that he hopes will allow him to work through his pain. In this episode, Dakota is a smart, sexy tough woman who has been hurt too many times to let her guard down. In prison, she meets a guard, Charlie Parker. Dakota pulls out all her tricks trying to seduce him, to show him that he’s no different than every other man who has done her wrong. This time though, Dakota is wrong. Charlie is different. It’s worth viewing just for the shower scene alone…hot stuff. 



Caged Bird