13 Votes

Sugar_boxx Sugar Boxx

Year: 2007

Duration: 01:25:45

Directed by: Cody Jarrett

Actors: Geneviere Anderson, Ellie Arket, Rainbow Borden, Jack Hill, Tura Satana

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:

Description: Sugar Boxx” is a recent addition (circa 2009) to the long, often despicable history of WIP films.  “Sugar Boxx” is, at best, an average WIP film, with not enough nudity and a weak plot with too many holes.  The good WIP films at least features one or the other (“Bare Behind Bars”, the “Ilsa” series); the best of the genre combines both in just the right amount (“Women in Cages”, “Female Scorpion #701”).  Still, “Sugar Boxx” can be quite entertaining if looked at from a purely exploitative angle, and the cheap thrills makes the plot rather enjoyable.

The film stars Geneviere Anderson as the intrepid undercover reporter Valerie March.  When Irene, the aunt of one of her childhood classmates, Cheryl, contacts Valerie about Cheryl’s imprisonment at the notorious “Sugar State Women’s Facility” on prostitution and drug trafficking convictions, Valerie decides to step in.  Upon further research, Valerie discovers that many of the convicts sent to that prison are women younger than 25, beautiful and usually first offenders.  They were almost all convicted of crimes similar to Cheryl: prostitution and drug trafficking, and their sentences for these crimes were, by all accounts, unduly harsh.  Sensing a huge conspiracy, Valerie begs her boss to infiltrate the prison.  In a strange twist from normal WIP fare, Valerie is a lesbian before she enters prison, and says goodbye to her girlfriend, Lauren, with some passionate lovemaking.  Soon enough, the blonde Valerie dresses up like a stereotypical hooker (replete with fishnet stockings) and promptly finds herself behind bars at Sugar State prison for 15 years after the corrupt sheriff plants some drugs on her.

Behind bars, she is quickly introduced to her new world order, and after her strip search and delousing, she meets the lascivious warden.  The warden, liking what she sees in a fellow blonde, mentions that the prison is essentially split into two: those who work from sundown to sun up in the fields doing hard labour, with the constant threat of gang rape from the guards, and those who work in her party mansion where they enjoy a relative life of leisure.  Valerie, for investigative purposes, chooses the fields, which angers the warden, warning her ominously that if she were to changer her mind, “she would have to earn it”.

In the prison, which is much more akin to a small labour camp with the tents and picnic benches than an actual penitentiary, she befriends an African-American, an actual hooker named Loretta.  Off to a rocky start, which was further compounded when they got in a fight with each other and were sent to the “Hot Box” (a wooden box where they are stripped naked and made to sleep in), Valerie eventually reveals her true intentions to Loretta, and they decide to work together to bring the institution down.

Valerie, scarred from her experience in the “Hot Box”, decides to go to the warden, where she begs that she and Loretta be entered into the “special program”.  The warden, determined to keep her promise of making Valerie “earn” the privilege, engages in some lesbian action with her, and finally (sexually) satisfied, promotes the two into the program.  There, they see fellow prisoners relaxing by the pool, wearing fancy clothes and generally having a good time.  The only catch is that they have to “entertain” the guests who come over for the weekly parties.

Valerie is fortuitously made roommate of Cheryl, and eventually Valerie reveals her true self to her.  In the party, Valerie and Loretta drug their dates, and uncover the plot that underpins the entire Sugar State prison industry.  Apparently, the warden runs a racket where she overbills the state of millions in food, clothing and related prison supplies before splitting the excess between herself and her hand-selected suppliers.  Valerie’s plans are soon interrupted however, as Cheryl snaps, and she tries to escape, with Valerie and Loretta in hot pursuit.  They are soon cornered by the guards and the warden, and Cheryl is shot to death.  Just as Valerie is about to meet the same fate, police helicopters come to her rescue, and she escapes.

Back to being a free woman, the corrupt Florida legal system exonerates the warden and the entire Sugar State facility.  Downhearted, she enlists the help of a now free Loretta, who uses her connections to the “underworld” to recruit some individuals with a grudge against Sugar State.  Before long, Valerie, Loretta and their eclectic cast of vigilantes capture the sheriff and begin their rollicking rampage of the prison facility.  All the guards meet their demise at the hands of Valerie and co., and only the warden’s life is spared.  In a campy twist, Valerie and friends are not apprehended and made to answer for multiple murders; instead, Valerie becomes the warden of Sugar State, and with Loretta and Lauren by her side, exacts her revenge on the warden, who is now an inmate.

There are some glaring plot holes, the most obvious being that Valerie is a television undercover reporter of some renown; how could the warden, her staff and Valerie’s fellow inmates not recognize her?  If the movie was set in some third world country where television was less than ubiquitous, it would be understandable, but the movie was set in Florida, in the modern day United States.  Certainly the warden and her staff watch television?  But as said earlier, the less one thinks about this movie, the better it becomes.  Certainly not the stuff of legends, but not unwatchable.



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Sugar Boxx