Six_Women_1971 Six Women

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:16:20

Directed by: Michael Bennett

Actors: Mikel Angel, Marsha Jordan and James R. Sweeney

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: The Last Sundown, Six Guns for Six Women

Description: This is a low budget western about six undesired women who are taken out of a western town and transported to prison. This is the story about their trip. It was made in 1971 and it looks it. 

And thus we bring you the third flick we found on a forlorn tape sitting in the back of the vault.  Much older than the other two flicks we shared recently and not present here in any form previously {which is why we decided to share it despite it’s condition}.  We present a highly regarded flick {7.2 on the IMDB from the 6 folks who bothered to rate it!}…



Six Women 1971