Jailhouse_Sex_1982 Jailhouse Sex

Year: 1982

Duration: 01:24:34

Directed by: Gerard Kikoine

Actors: Olinka Hardiman, Christine Weiss, Connie Hörnum, Christine Schwarz, Laurence Button, Gabriel Pontello, Piotr Stanislas, Monique Carrère

Language: French | English (some dialogue)

Country: France | West Germany

Also known as: Prison très spéciale pour femmes

Description: Jailhouse Sex is a quite famous wip adult movie. Two women, who are travelling in France, have been kidnapped and sent to a secret prsion. There they are raped and embarrased by wardens, guards and other inmates. Soon they will be prepared for  a sell to some arabian sheiks, and future will be a sex slavery during all their lifes. Their only hope is a private detective, who runs his own investigation…



Jailhouse Sex 1982