I think it’s the continue of this http://wipfilms.net/women-in-prison-films/holocaust/ Very rare movie.
Year: 2011
Duration: 01:16:09
Directed by: Angelo Pannacciò
Actors: William Berger, Tina Aumont, Elisabeth Tulin, Kai Fischer, Susanna Levi
Language: English
Country: Italy
Also known as: Holocaust parte seconda: i ricordi, i deliri, la vendetta, Holocaust 2: The Memories, Delirium & Vengeance, Holocaust II, Holocausto II
Description: It’a s pretty ignored, unloved movie, but does offer enough strangeness and trashiness to at least make it worth seeing once. You’ll certainly get some belly laughs about of this one, if nothing else. But don’t go expecting another Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS. The plot is actually about Jewish avengers who set out to track down and kill fugitive Nazi war criminals.
It’s a very confusing affair, short on violence and exploitation (strange, given its subject matter), and the title comes from a lame attempt to cash in on the then-popular James Woods miniseries. However, what you won’t find in the Woods movie includes death by drill, death by goat, some of the worst acting/dubbing you’ll find in ALL of Italian exploitation, and Gordon Mitchell acting all pervy and weird (even moreso than usual!).
Yeap. This was a hard time for Jews
}}}} It’s a very confusing affair, short on violence and exploitation (strange, given its subject matter)
Here’s how the first meeting for this film went:
Executive Producer: “We don’t have enough money for a good script.”
Producer: “Screw it, we’ll put in some tits, no one will care.”
Executive Producer: “We don’t have enough money much in the way of tits, either.”
Producer: “Screw it, we’ll put some tits on the box cover, and no one will know until it’s too late.”
Executive Producer: “OK, THAT we have money for.”