Bereavement-2010 Bereavement

Year: 2010

Duration: 01:47:23

Directed by: Stevan Mena

Actors: Michael Biehn, Alexandra Daddario, Brett Rickaby, Nolan Gerard Funk, Spencer List and John Savage

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Bereavement – In den Händen des Bösen, Zalost, Malevolence: Bereavement

Description: Stolen psychopath, 6-year-old Martin Bristol forced to suffer the torments of hell and bullying from their supervisor. Meanwhile, a 17 year old Alison, who has moved to live in the wilderness with his uncle, detects these terrible things happening on a neighbouring farm…

Review: The story tells us about a boy who suffers from a rare disease “non-perception of pain,” who stole the sadistic shizofrennik with the same disease. His goal was to educate myself a decent replacement for the extermination of the girls on an abandoned farm. What came out of it – you learn watching the film.

As the first part of this film is shot in the style of old school horror movies, even felt the atmosphere 80s – 90s. Techniques of intimidation had long been known, only then they all gathered in one (in two parts) film. The first part of the memories of beautiful music, but here it, alas, was not, though, and stayed the same composer. But kept the atmosphere of the rock band’s.

In contrast to the first part of this was struck by its brutality. Blood Level rolls, particularly in the end. But fans of action would not advise watching as the film is long and a bit overextended, slowly reveals “education receiver …”

Ah, yes. Do not rush off when the film will begin titles, after waiting for a “surprise” …

So, in general, liked the film, but for the lack of a beautiful musical accompaniment and some bloopers, put



Bereavement 2010