6 Votes

BMX_Bandits_(1983) BMX Bandits

Year: 1983

Duration: 01:26:58

Directed by: Brian Trenchard-Smith

Actors: David Argue, John Ley, Nicole Kidman, Angelo D’Angelo

Language: English

Country: Australia

Also known as: Short Wave, BMX banditi, Die BMX-Bande, Le gang des BMX

Description: Young red-haired Judy and her two friends, PJ and Gus find a box with a “walkie-talkie”, which was used only as a mean of special communications in the era when there was no cellphones. The box was kept by the thieves – for the next bank robbery. These teens would have so much problems if not their skill of driving a bike!

Review: Oh, that’s a movie! Real action!

Three friends, real BMX professionals, accidentally found a box with radios that have been hidden away for criminals to rob a bank! And as soon as the bandits know in whose hands their radios, the chase begins. But it won’t be too simple to get these young girls.

At that time, this film would have to be just a teenager’s hit! Electronic-synth music, super bright and fashionable dressed boys and girls .. What could be better? Nice colorful bikes look really funny! All this is filmed on the coast, in the circles of the sun in Sydney. And besides, in the film just starting out her carrear a beautiful Nicole Kidman. So it is a pleasure to watch!



BMX Bandits (1983)