5 Votes

The-Godsend The Godsend

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:26:15

Directed by: Gabrielle Beaumont

Actors: Malcolm Stoddard, Cyd Hayman, Angela Pleasence

Language: English

Country: United Kingdom

Also known as: Horror-Baby (West Germany) | Les yeux du mal (France)

Description: A pregnant girl show up at the doorstep of a typical British family.

They take her in only to have her leave as soon as she gives birth to her daughter.

The girl is raised as another one of the family’s kids, but the sudden deaths of her siblings starts to make the family wonder what she truly is!

“In the house of a great English family appears pregnant woman who disappears shortly after birth. Family members decide to leave the newborn girl, not knowing what evil for them it will turn out in the future.”

This meandering distaff variation regarding the Omen starts with a visit from a strange expecting female (Angela Pleasence) to the house of a young suburban few (Malcolm Stoddard and Cyd Hayman), in which she gives birth to a child girl and promptly exits stage left. The befuddled set choose to follow the white-haired, angelic-looking infant, and then discover the child’s true nature within the many years to come. One by one, the couple’s natural offspring are killed off in horrible means; any future attempts at conception conclusion in miscarriage and Stoddard’s eventual sterility. These horrific events unfold during a time period of several many years — an idea which probably served much better in print than on screen, where these types of leisurely plot development dooms any chance for anticipation. Even worse, the vague supernatural explanation is certainly maybe not adequately clarified by the film’s denouement, making little more than a somber story of meaningless tragedy.



The Godsend – 1980