Rock and the Alien movie
Rock and the Alien movie Run time: 1h 22min
Rock and the Alien movie Rating: 4.7
Rock and the Alien movie Genres: Sci-Fi
Rock and the Alien movie Director: Dionysius Zervos

Rock and the Alien movie Writers: Dionysius Zervos

Rock and the Alien movie Stars: Henry Coleman, Tamela Glenn, Gregory Harvey

Rock and the Alien movie Year: 1988
Rock and the Alien movie Source: Rock and the Alien movie
A shitty bar-singer bangs an alien woman and contracts a sexually-transmitted pacifism superpower. Can he sing enough to prevent a nuclear war, particularly before the evil aliens track him down and dispose of him?
Country: USA
Language: English
Also know as: Rock E a Extraterrestre, Rock y el alien, O tragoudistis kai i exogiini,
Rock and the Alien 

