Narco-Satanico Narco Satánico

Year: 1968

Duration: 01:14:00

Directed by:  Rafael Portillo

Actors: David Reynoso, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Beatriz Aguirre 

Language: Spanish

Country: Mexico

Also known as:  Cautivos del mas allá, Terro, sexo y brujería


Vicky loves Ricardo, but Ricardo loves Barbara. So, Vicky goes to a gypsy witch who convinces her she must make a pact with Satan in order to cast an effective love spell on Ricardo. After Vicky gives her body and soul to the Dark One, she engages with Ricardo in a passionate night of lovemaking that is cut short by Satan, who, sensing that Ricardo has not completely fallen under the spell, orders Vicky to kill him. Following Ricardo’s death, his brother Carlos is haunted by nightmares of the dead sibling, who appears and takes possession of Carlos in order to get his revenge on Vicky.

What follows are a few cheesily compelling “hypnometric” trances, and a courtroom segment in which an attempt is made to answer the philosophical question: can the State exact justice on a disembodied being? Throw in some melodrama and a pasty-faced ghoul who runs amok disemboweling dudes and scaring women to a warbling theremin, and you have the film found here.

Terror, sexo y brujería apparently began life as 1968’s Cautivo del más allá, then seems to have been re-cut with some newly-shot footage in 1984 to create Terror, sexo y brujería. (IMDB lists the year of this version as 1989, but the year 1984 listed on the Conaculta website seems more accurate.) The way in which the two time periods butt against each other in the newer film is often pleasingly brain twisting! Somewhere along the line someone decided to change the film’s name to Narco satánico, and that’s what I found in the vhs box in my possession. The title doesn’t make any sense as there isn’t one narcotraficante, or even any narcotics in this flick, except for someone’s mom’s sleeping pills. You will notice that the Narco satanico vhs box this film came in features an illustration of actor David Reynoso toting an automatic weapon. Well, Reynoso never picks up anything more than a pencil in this movie. He plays a defense attorney, and he’s in the flick for only about 10 minutes. It’s that kind of film.

My rip from VHS to .dv to TS. The DVD-R includes switchable English subtitles on subtitle track 1, 20 chapter stops, and a cheesy menu “designed” by me. Subs by me, proofing and extra chuckles by my gal.

Dirección/Director: Rafael Portillo. Producción/Producer: Gonzalo Aiza Ávalos, Guadalupe Emperatriz. Guión/Screenplay: Fernando Cortés. Fotografía/Cinematography: Juan Manuel Herrera. Edición/Editing: José W. Bustos. Música/Music: Jorge Pérez Hernández. Reparto/Cast: Ana Luisa Peluffo, Juan Luis Saval, David Reynoso, Roberto Cañedo, Beatriz Aguirre, Silvia Suárez, Carmelita González, Bárbara Wells.




Narco Satanico
