Boy_Meets_Girl Boy Meets Girl

Year: 1994

Duration: 01:29:44

Directed by: Ray Brady

Actors: Tim Poole, Danielle Sanderson, Margot Steinberg and Susan Warren

Language: English

Country: UK

Also known as: Boy meets Girl – Liebe mit Hindernissen, Chico conoce a chica 

Description: Tevin (Tim Poole) has gotten lucky on a night out, hooking up in a bar with sexy Ann Marie (Margot Steinberg) who proceeds to take him back to her home and show him pornographic movies – only for him to pass out after taking a drink.  He awakes to find himself strapped to a chair in a darkened gothic room whilst Ann Marie begins to subject our hapless anti-hero to every form of diabolical torture you could conceive.  Later Ann Marie vanishes and another, much colder female called Julia takes over the ghoulish proceedings…

This film was made in 1994 but was refused a certificate by the British Board of Film Classification (effectively banning it in Britain) due to its sustained scenes of protracted torture without a moral grounding to justify or redeem them.  In 1998 this decision was reversed following an appeal by the film’s director Ray Brady.  Interestingly, as Brady himself argued, it was the BBFC’s initial reasons for denying the film a certificate which constituted the movie’s value as a piece of intelligent cinema, rather than a morally vacuous exploitation flick.  The intention of the film-makers is not to glamorize or sexualize violence by removing any motivating factor, but rather to use that lack of justification to force the viewer to examine their own reasons for wanting to view the onscreen agony.  Ann Marie and Julia seem to be using as a motive a sense of righteous feminist revenge against their admittedly chauvinistic and dislikable philandering male victim.  But as the film progresses it becomes clear that it is the violence itself from which they draw enjoyment, not any moral judgment underlying it.  As in other films such as Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer or Michael Haneke’s Funny Games this forces the viewer to question why we watch violent movies, what is the true nature of our appreciation of violence.

Boy Meets Girl precedes the glut of so-called “torture-porn” flicks we are currently being bombarded with by almost a decade but it lacks the worryingly fetishistic and glitzy presentation of its far bigger-budgeted successors.  Shot on an absolute shoe-string the film nonetheless does not suffer from its limited resources.  With only three principle actors and one location the inescapable horror of the protagonist is strongly enforced.  This is not a particularly gory film, with much of the violence being suggested or occurring just off-camera – but it is nonetheless extremely disturbing and not for the faint of heart.



Boy Meets Girl 1994