200-Motels- 200 Motels

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:39:34

Directed by:  Tony Palmer, Frank Zappa

Actors:  Mark Volman, Howard Kaylan, Ian Underwood

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels, Deux cents motels, Dwiescie moteli

Description: 200 Motels is a movie that about how touring with a rock and roll and roll band makes you crazy. This is achieved in a couple of different ways ;in the plot there is an almost maddening amount of self reference or reflexivity, This captures the self-consciouness of performance. The crazy people of any music scene are made manifest through RIngo Star who plays larry the dwarf or Mr. Zappa himself and Keith Moone as a nun. This movie was incredibly technically advanced for its time, the quick takes, psychedelic lighting and aperture effects are all nuts. I really love the music from this movie, Frank sounds great playing guitar and drums. The fellas from the Turtles are in this as well, they are like Abboot and Costello if they were on acid and chubby hippies.



200 Motels (1971)