18 Votes

aHR0cDovL2R2ZHBsYXkuZmlsZXMud29yZHByZXNzLmNvbS8yMDA5LzAzL3Zpc2NlcmFsMDA1LmpwZw== Visceral: Entre las cuerdas de la locura (2012)

Year: 2012

Duration: 1hr 17min

Directed by:  Felipe Eluti

Actors: Felipe Eluti, Jose Manuel Garcia, Carolina Salles

Language: Spanish (w English Soft Subs)

Country: Chile

Also known as: Visceral: Beyond The Ropes of Madness

Description:  The movie promises a whole lot of torture and violence, and that’s basically what you are getting. There are a number of unsettling scenes, some which could disturb those with weaker stomachs. I think the creativity in the bondage is quite fascinating, and the way the ropes were used made the movie memorable on its own. The kind of violence we’re talking about is stuff like the following: stabbing out the heart through someone’s back, impalement through two bodies and a bed (possibly my favorite kill), human punching bags, being tied mouth-to-mouth to someone who is slowly rotting, and skullhumping. This is the kind of stuff you can expect, and there is more of it than that.

It’s not all just shock and torture, as I must say this is probably one of the better flicks I have watched from Chile. I mean, the movie’s goal is shock and torture, but still has some sweet cinematic candy to hand out. There are several parts of the movie where you can feel influences from filmmakers like Gaspar Noé. The movie is pretty raw, but you still get several visually interesting scenes and some great setups (usually the ones involving bondage). Not to mention the great credits, which I think is safe to say is in the veins of Noé.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3209112/

Screenshots0034882c-178x300 Visceral: Entre las cuerdas de la locura (2012)


Visceral: Entre las cuerdas de la locura (2012)