Poultrygeist_Night_of_the_Chicken_Dead Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

Year: 2006

Duration: 01:38:39

Directed by: Lloyd Kaufman

Actors: Jason Yachanin, Kate Graham, Allyson Sereboff and Robin L. Watkins 

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: Poultrygeist, Poultrygeist: Attack of the Chicken Zombies!


Review: Oh joy of joys,why aren’t there more movies like this around.From the opening scene in the cemetery,the songs,”Fast Food Love”,is no.1 on my hit parade”MY MEAT IN YOUR BUNS MAKES A SPECIAL SAUCE”,LOL,and should be on everybody’s,funny as hell yet somehow,bizarrely,touching.The chemistry between the two leads is obvious,and is why this movie works so well for me,apart from the hundreds of other crazy scenes and dialouge.Troma somehow melds all this craziness and disgustingly hilarious anarchy into an almost perfect piece of z-grade pap,but as with almost all Troma film’s,there always seems to be an underlying “eco” message in there somewhere,where i’m not exactly,sure but you just know it’s in there somewhere.But hey don’t take my word for it,buy it,rent it,watch it at a drive-in,(perfect drive-in fare),but whatever you do ,indulge.8/10.



Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead 2006