Night of the Bloody Apes movie

Year: 1969

Duration: 01:23:51

Directed by: René Cardona and Jerald Intrator 

Actors: José Elías Moreno, Carlos López Moctezuma, Armando Silvestre and Norma Lazareno 

Language: English

Country: Mexico

Also known as: La horripilante bestia humana, Sex Monsters, Gomar: The Human Gorilla, Horror and Sex

Description: I think this is more close to René Cardona´s intended cut, without all the tasty and gory shots not filmed by him and inserted by American Distributors in its spicy dubbed variant; well— the sexy ladies are there and there´s a discret but very cool use of the blood, this is the clothed version with no nudity and some few changes. Print´s slightly shorter than the above link, 81 mins instead of the gory 83s. This is from the Mexican print but not from the one with boobs called Horror y Sexo, that one apparently runs 85 mins. I don´t know if a totally uncut copy of this is available, I know that the film was already cutted before being distributed to more drive-in´s “tolerant” foreign markets and in order to achieve an X category was cutted without any details given. There’s another movie of René Cardona called Santo and Dracula’s Treasure. It’s a vampire film released in the year 1969.



Night of the Bloody Apes 1969
