Near_Death_2004 Near Death

Year: 2004

Duration: 01:23:55

Directed by: Joe Castro

Actors: Perrine Moore, Ali Willingham, Scott Lunsford and Brannon Gould

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as:

Description: Animal House has nothing on this juggernaut of spectacular special effects, stupendous directing, and fantastic acting. And the camera work is nothing short of amazing. Anyone who is a fan of outrageous comedies should immediately drop what they are doing and rent this cinematic gem. I laughed so hard at the characters’ antics that I peed myself. And some of the special effects were so jawdroppingly hilarious that I literally fell off the couch and assumed the fetal position, clutching my stomach and coughing out a lung. My dog even got in on the fun and urinated on my head. This is a must-see for anyone who loves a good comedy. Or a good enema.



Near Death 2004