195 Votes

Cannibal_Holocaust_1980 Cannibal Holocaust

Year: 1980

Duration: 01:35:00

Directed by: Ruggero Deodato

Actors:  Robert Kerman, Francesca Ciardi and Perry Pirkanen

Language: English and Spanish

Country: Italy

Also known as: Canibal Holocausto |Kannibal massakren

Description: An anthropologist heads a rescue party into the South American jungle to find a missing film team making a documentary on cannibal tribes, but the viewing of their footage reveals their crueler intentions.

Review: Conclusion: A landmark shock film that is both deplorable and relevant. Suffice to say, Cannibal Holocaust is not for everyone. Grindhouse is sensitive to those viewers who might be offended and include the option to watch it in a PETA-friendly cut. For thick-skinned horror lovers, it is a film that is almost as poignant as it is gruesome. Grindhouse has really gone the extra mile for fringe film fans and lovingly put together an excellent package. Might end up being the horror purchase of the year



Cannibal Holocaust