Justine-In-the-Heat-of-Passion Justine: In the Heat of Passion

Year: 1996

Duration: 01:25:08

Directed by: David Cove

Actors: Daneen Boone, Timothy Di Pri, Kimberly Rowe

Language: English

Country: USA

Also known as: The Adventures of Justine: In the Heat of Passion | Justine – Songe d’une nuit d’été (Belgium)

Description: Justine spends the days at her private college dreaming about the sexy new professor that has just started lecturing there. He also takes notice of her and invites her to assist him in several trips around the world. But during these work trips, Justine’s beauty always gets her into trouble: she ends up tied up and naked having to watch people having sex until she is saved.



Justine: In the Heat of Passion – 1996