Her Private Life movie

Year: 1971

Duration: 01:12:05

Directed by: Omiros Efstratiadis

Actors: Anna Fonsou, Andreas Barkoulis, Alkis Yannakas

Language: Greek | English

Country: Greece

Also known as: Idiotiki mou zoi, Histoire d’une nymphomane, I megali zoi, Engel sind nackt am schönsten

Description: A robbery and a murder takes place at Anna (Anna Fonsou)’s home, a wealthy but lonely woman. The police inspector (Andreas Barkoulis) in an attempt to discover the culprit, will shed light on Anna’s private affairs  and persons associated with her through  the past  year. A friend with whom she once had a  love affair (Lefteris Giftopoulos). A young former drug addict (Alkis Yiannakis) who’s “clean” now. A young gigolo , a casual lesbian lover  and an immigrant from Germany  fill the list of the suspects and describe the unaccountable and irresponsible life of Anna, largely justified and driven by her financial power and wealth.

Review: This is a pretty inept and tame exploitation/thriller hybrid, where everything is over-dramatized and blown out of proportion, plus with a strong moralistic undertone throughout. There’s a whodunnit mystery about the actual murderer but it’s mostly laughs at how corny their dialogues sound.
Anna Fonsou (the leading lady, who today looks more like Seth Bradley after the botched teleporting) is supposedly a tortured heroine of sorts, though she’s just bored and slightly promiscuous.
The way they keep talking about her ‘private life’ you would assume some pretty sick and perverted stuff going on, but it turns out it’s just a few one-night stands and a little adventure with another woman. Really crazy stuff.
The police inspector is so unbelievably rigid and yet he’s compassionate for a young derelict for no apparent reason. Yes, he cares so much about this young man’s future that he turns him into a snitch. He’s also arbitrarily convinced that Anna’s carefree way of life is directly responsible for the murder that occurs at the beginning of the movie.
There’s oddly lots of talk about finishing one’s studies and moving on (personally it took me 15 years so i should know it’s an issue with us Greeks 😆
But the thing that tops it all is the suspect with the wooden hand. The inspector is convinced that his wooden prosthetic made him a great burglar cause he was able to break through glass. How else could a burglar use a blunt object, unless it was his own wooden hand? :o)



Her Private Life 1971

Her Private Life 1971 English Subtitles
